Monday, August 23, 2010

Advice about my sister?

Okay, I've had enough. My little sister drives me BONKERS! She steps on me, and my friends, she has a VERY bad attitude toward everyone, and she treats me like a piece of crap! She is a sneaky brat who always ends up getting her way, and speaks like a moron! (';What ev's';? Give me a break!) I am SO sick of her attitude! I can't do anything about it because she is younger than me! How pathetic! My younger sister is a bully to me! Not only that, but she picks on my littelest sister too! She is always trying to get me in trouble by talking loud when I get a coke, or get into the pantry at night! She is a tattletale, and won't mind her own business! Please, give me some good comebacks, and advice on what to do with the brat!!!!!!!! S.O.S.!!!Advice about my sister?
You don't say how much of an age difference there is, which can make a difference. In any case, my little brother and I had this same problem when I was growing up.

This will only work under certain circumstances, but when it works, it REALLY works. Trust me. Tell your sister you want to have a serious conversation with her. Tell her you are not mad, you just want to talk to her. Wait for a time that she can chill out and take you seriously. Tell her that you love her (I know, this is hard, but it works wonders) and that because she is your sister, you really want to be friends. Give an emotional speech about how family is all that matters and some people don't have sisters or even a family, and that you're lucky to have each other. Tell her that from this day forward you want a truce that you will both get along and always have each other's backs. Give her a moment to think about it and if she accepts, it will be a very powerful thing. If she doesn't, then perhaps she is not mature enough and you'll have to wait a few months and try again.

My brother and I were at each other's throats, and then we made a truce and to this day it holds. We are so close and nothing can come between us.

At some point, I can almost guarantee your sister will be mature enough to understand the value of a truce, and she will accept. Until then, you'll have to do your best to just breathe deeply and not react to her. Remember, it doesn't do you any good to react to your younger sister, it only makes you look bad.

Good luck!Advice about my sister?
attention is the big thing
I go through the same thing...

What i do is just ignore her. She does these things because she wants attention. She is not getting any attention at home or school and the only way to do this is to pick on the other siblings.
ooh little sister same way with my brother she probly hangs while your there too first put a lock on your bedroom door also [this may be over the top] but tell you will take her to the park if she is good and let her play for a hour for the comeback tell her she looks like a pile of throw up
the best way to piss her off is to not acknowledge her existence

completely ignore her and pretend like she cannot make you mad at all
ignore her and pretend to not care and she will leave u alone

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