Thursday, August 19, 2010

Advice about boyfriend's birthday?

Okay, so I need me some help/advice/input.

My birthday is this Wednesday (I'll be 17), and my boyfriend's birthday is the following Tuesday (he'll be 16). We have been dating for almost 7 months. I know he's doing something for me, and that he bought me a present... But I have no clue what to do for him. He has basically everything he wants.

Right now the only thing I haven't canceled out is a surprise picnic (we both have discussed wanting to go on one before), so I'd make the food and he'd have no clue where we were going or what we were doing until we got there. (Reason I came up with that idea is because one of my closest guy friends told me to make him food xD) Of course, I will also be writing him a letter/card (and possibly filling a shallow box with Hershey's hugs and kisses and placing the letter at the bottom?).

What are some other things I could do/get for my boyfriend?

He has every video game he wants. He enjoys rock climbing and shooting (not hunting, just shooting at a range (i.e. rifle)) and is an outdoors-y and athletic person. He wouldn't want an MP3 or cds or anything like that. He likes zombies and knows quite a bit about computers.

Any advice or input is appreciated. If you have no clue on this specific set up, share something that you've done for a significant other in the past?Advice about boyfriend's birthday?
My girlfriend did a picnic once too, it was great, get to a mans heart with food lol. You could always get him accessories for the things he has, maybe memory for his computer or a new running shirt or shorts. has a funny zombie shirt somewhere tooAdvice about boyfriend's birthday?
get him a ********!

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