i have a relative who is more than likely an alcoholic, they have been drinking a bottle of vodka about 6 days out of a week ,vodka bottles have been found in the washing machine and in cupboards, whilst on holiday they drank all day and then on the evening could only manage a half a lager as it makes them ill ( very bad stomache ) also i am angry as they have lost two siblings to alcohol,,,i know they have to admit it but i dont no what else to do ,also how long can they continue to drink like this before it turns in to a hospital situation : (Advice about alcoholism needed ...?
Sorry but it sounds like it's already a hospital/rehab situation. Do you ever watch that show, ';Intervention'; on I think A%26amp;E. This is what this person needs...an intervention. and the whole family needs counseling, not just the alcoholic.Advice about alcoholism needed ...?
Im sorry your seeing a loved one go through this and in fact your going through it also ..
My husband became an alcoholic only for him it was beer - I thought I could ';cure'; him - just because I was naive as nobody in my family drinks - I dont drink - I took him to Alcoholics Anonymous he only attended one meeting so I went behind his back to Alanon (this is for family and friends of an alcoholic) and I sat in the back out of their little circle they formed with their chairs and cryed my eyes out - I didnt want to hear what they were saying - they teach tollerance - I didnt want to tollerate his drinking and lying and hiding the evidence etc I wanted to FIX the problem.
My husband ended up leaving me for one of our customers (who has since left him) and he has tried to come back home but I have learned I cant help him at all - he needs to make the decision to get help - I believe he is now at a stage he needs rehab and will not go because he doesnt think he has a problem at all - unfortunately he has become very different from the man I married and there is nothing I can do about it so I wont take him back - I believe he is going to die an old lonely alcoholic or a young alcoholic as he will not accept he has this problem.
After he left I went around the yard and the house and was astonished I have taken 44 photos of piles of empty beer cans hidden in dense bushes and all over the place just like you are finding - I went to close the garage door (which hasnt been closed in years) I was showered with beer cans - its been a hard lesson for me to learn but at Alanon they were right - if you want to stay in the situation all you can do is learn to tollerate - I just couldnt do it - he did me a favor by leaving and I wont have him back.
Just one other thing that confuses me in the title question you say you have a relative who you suspect is an alcoholic (and yes I believe from what you have said he/she is) but the rest of the text goes on about them and they - so can I assume this is a husband and wife? Not really as you say they have lost 2 siblings to alcohol - not that it makes a difference in my comments either way but I just wondered.
I know this isnt what you want to hear as he is a loved one but until he is ready to admit to himself he has a problem there is nothing you can do.
Nothing would make me drink, more than someone interfering with my drinking. If you want to help them, you have to have another alcoholic talk to him, and take them to a meeting.
Phone AA Alcoholics Anonymous. They have a support group to assist those dealing with your particular problems. While it's not really a comfort but you will know that you are not alone trying to cope. They will guide you, if you wish, through these trying times.
Your relatives are surely alcoholics. They will most likely end up in hospital or a rehabilitation centre but that's short term and they need long term support in order to stop and AA seems to be the only way but only if they make the first step.
I'm truly sorry to hear how your mother's drinking is effecting the family.
Your mother has a serious disease called alcoholism. It is a ';progressive'; disease. In other words it continues to get worse unless the person quits drinking.
The fact that your mother could only handle half a litre before experiencing stomach problem indicates she is having the beginning of physical problems from her addiction. I would wager her liver is already showing some signs of excessive drinking. Probably elevated liver enymes and perhaps a ';fatty liver';.
She needs to get to a doctor. I would imagine that the next physical symptom that you can see would be her coughing up blood. That can come at anytime because there is no way of telling how much damage has been done already without an exam. I'm telling you this not to scare you but to let you know what's coming next.
You don't say how old you are . . . but I would look to a trusted counselor, clergyperson, doctor, to talk with about this. You can use some support for youself and your siblings and also to get some help with getting mum to a doctor and into treatment. You might also look to a 12-step group called Ala-Teen for people your own age in similar situations.
Peace and take care . . .
wow this is a tough one. my mom was the one for me. it was so upsetting cause yoy want to help but, they keep denying any problem. we tried a bunch of things like throwing her stuff out(without her seeing us), getting everyone together and talking to her(she felt attacked). its hard but you gotta just keep supporting them. they need to kick this habit only when ready. it sucks i know but true. they need some kind of hard blow foe them to wake up. i can say now that my mom has ben sober 15 years now thank god. suggest maybe going to aa meetings with them tell them you are worried about thier health something will work just keep trying. good luck
hi i know what your going through sort of as my parents were both alcoholics and a few of my friends also well my mum has suffered with ill health for a long time mainly due to alcohol so i would say it has bad effect as soon as they start to drink you might try talking to them when they are under the influence as this seems to get them talking about how they feel rather than trying to talk to them sober in the first instance then if you can find out what the trouble is, you might be able to help them join group therapy or get them counselling somewhere but remember it is up to the person on weather they want help or not
Yes I would call this person a alcoholic..Alcoholism is a disease. And like you said that person has to want to stop or get help himself you can't force him to get it...I have a family member that is an alcoholic who drank vodka everyday,the day she didn't take a drink she ended up having a seizure, her body became so depended on the vodka that when she did not have it her body went into shock..So if you are trying to get this person to stop make sure you get medical advice 1st because the body is not going to be able to handle it .Yes in time this will turn into a hospital situation..
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