I joined my high school's football team freshman year and I love playing football. Only thing is that I really suck at remembering plays and it really stresses me out when at practice every body's lining up to run through a play and I'm the only one not knowing what they're doing. I'm now a sophomore and have been talking to the football coach that wants me to come back next year and tells me that they run through plays AALLLL the time and I will have them down no problem. I really want to go to summer camp and play again next year but that's the only thing that's troubling me. I played as the defensive end mostly but sometimes as the linebacker. Does anybody have any type of advice for me? Again I love playing the sport with a passion, I'm just not good with remembering the plays. Any advice is welcome......?Advice about joining high school football team...?
Cool question.
Everyone has trouble with plays...
Start by looking at just YOUR position.
DE always has QB Containment and NEVER defends a pass.
- you have to get by the blocking lineman then a defending Fullback, but you'll always rush and pressure the quarterback.
So alignment and assignment are all you have to memorize.
As a Linebacker, you need to know your GAP...and your zone...
IE: Mike back has A gap and hook to curl in zone w/ pass
Be careful...some defensive pictures will put a Mike back in B gap.
so know when...know where.Advice about joining high school football team...?
I feel your dilemma, as I too have that problem. If there's a kindering desire inside of you, that urges to escape the real world and delve into the world of football, then you should go for it. Don't let anyone or anything stop you or crush your dreams.
This is what you were put on this earth to do! Don't stop believing in yourself, i will always believe in you.
what i do to remember my plays for basketball is either i keep writing it down on a play bored thing or i just try and like think of a way to remember im on this side and im supposed to do this right now but all in all practice makes perfect!!
Play football.Nobody is sure of their assignment all the time. If you work at it in your spare time, and work with the coaches, then you will get the plays down. And when you get the plays down, then you can really start to shine.
It works for everything.
Depending on the length of the plays, you might even make some flash cards to help remember key parts of what you need to know.
Just play to play. It sound like your good, but a big tip is to not ask for advice, learn, that way it is implanted in your brain forEVER.
i would sagest really focusing on what the plays are don't just listen to them focus on them think about nothing but the plays
remember each play by pieces and the rest will come to you
work out and run. the coaches will do the rest.
talk to your coach and see if he has the plays diagramed or written up with a description of what each player does...if so, get a copy of it and study it while you start your off-season workouts
if not, ask if you can sit down with him and write some notes to study
and if you go to spring and summer workouts, all teams run through their stuff over and over so that the players get them down and then are really ready to go when the pads go on during late summer...you'll be ready
have some more confidence in yourself and relax a little bit, don't over-think, just play
I had the same problem last year bro, i am a defensive tackle and there is so many things to remember....the main thing to remember is that if you screw up, DO IT FULL SPEED!!!! hit the wrong guy? Hit him extra hard.
Talk to your defensive coach about maybe incorperating signs that you and your team make, hand signs or words....comunication is the most important part of football man. talk a lot.
then since you helpped make the signal it will be ten times easier to remember...
it worked for me man, it might help you
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