I have a 4 year old daughter and her father has been hit and miss the past year. He shows up when he wants to and then leaves for many months at a time. I have not seen child support in over a yr %26amp; half. (this is not the issue though) I have taken him back to court to sue him for his rights. I am asking for full custody. He smokes around her even though she is allergic to cigarette smoke.
I have been as patient as I can, but it is seeming tedious. He has everyone he knows call to ask for custody, but never him.
What are my chances of winning full custody?
What should I do if full custody is not granted?Advice about my daughter?
talk to your lawyer.... they'll tell you what you can do... and suggest the best course of action.Advice about my daughter?
document the times he does and does not show up.. his phone calls, his life style.. is he sleeping around? does he watch porn.... he smokes, he drinks excessively? what kind of house? car? what job hours? friends? document all of that... get pictures! these will help you win! and get a GOOD lawyer!
I would advise speaking to a lawyer on the best way to build evidence for your case ASAP.
More time to gather information like he smokes around a young child with allergies will make your custody fight easier when the time comes.
You have a very good chance of getting sole physical custody of your four year old, but very little chance of having his parental rights removed, if that is what you are suggesting when you write ';sue him for his rights';. You will get a formal court order specifying visitation and you are free to hold him strictly to what the order says about when and for how long he can see her. You can ask that there be no smoking around the child and that can be put in the order, as well as no drinking and driving, an approved child seat, things like that. You can request no overnights but you may not get that. You won't be able to get a no visitation judgment from the court unless you can prove he is a threat to your daughter's health and life.
one thing you should always do is document EVERYTHING!!
from the day and time he shows up to when he leaves. also document the things he says. and when he does pay child support.
you should also discuss things with him. it isnt healthy for your daughter to see him whenever he pleases. it should be a consistent visit for your daughters sake. he shouldnt be so selfish as to come see her and then leave for long periods of time.
that poor little girl deserves so much better.
fight it in court and dont give up. explain that he smokes in front of her and that he doesnt seem to care that she is allergic to it.
explain that your daughter probably misses him and asks when he will be back (bc im pretty sure she does) but even if you dont get full custody make sure you love your daughter and treat her right. she will always love you for that. :]
i really hope this helped.
vote me best please
You CAN NOT prove he is unfit! You will piss the judge off even going into his court with nothing more than what you have here! If you haven't got child support that's YOUR fault for not staying on top of it! You could have him in jail for not paying! Having bad health IS NOT a reasond to terminate someone's parental rights! Take him to court for disobeying court ordered child support and leave it at that, as you are in the WRONG for even trying to terminate his parental rights! YOUR daughter has a right to see her Father no matter if he's what YOU think is a good Father or not! Your daughterwill want to know her Father ya know!
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