Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice about pull-ups?

do I put a diaper on him when he is sleeping? do pull-ups work well? any advice would be great!!Advice about pull-ups?
My Husband and I actively started to potty train our son around 2.5 years of age. We transitioned him from diapers to pull-ups because they were easier to him to pull up and down for potty time. The pull-ups worked just as good, if not better, then diapers for him.

When he really started to get the hang of potty training we switched to regular underware. We let him choose his favorite charactors and which undies he preferred. We had lots of accidents, but it is all about consistancy with our son.

At nighttime we used the Huggies Overnights, they work really really well and when he outgrew them, we have him in GoodNights. He is getting better with staying dry at night, but he sleeps so heavily and wouldn't wake up. So until he is much more consistant with his nighttime peeing we will keep him in the GoodNights.

I would rather him get a good nights sleep then worry about him staying dry all night long.Advice about pull-ups?
All adults and teenagers now were trained without them, so that proves that toddlers now do not need them.
pull ups are the biggest waste of money, buy some underwear or diapers, don't waste your money on those overpriced things, they prolong potty training by 90%
i would say a pull up at night for the accidents and undies during the day. only other time to use pull ups would be if you will be driving for an extended period of time with very little chances of potty breaks.
My kids did very well with pull ups. But we offered rewards for keeping the pull up dry. We use nighttime pull ups at night.

My son was entirely day and night potty trained before 4 with pull ups. (Day trained shortyle after 3rd b-day)

My daughter is day trained at 2 1/2 with pull ups. Night is another story, but I'm not complaining.
Pull ups are for training. If he can get out of bed on his own and starts doing that, then pull-ups are great!
I tried pullups for a while and it didnt seem to help in the potty training. They knew they could pee in them. We got no progress until I took all the daipers and pull ups away and they wore regular underwear all the time. They did wear a diaper or pull up at night for a while.

good luck
For daytime, I think pullups are a waste of money. I think either they should be in diapers, or if you're training them, go straight to underwear. I did use pullups at night for a while after my kids were potty trained though (it took them a while to get the hang of staying dry at night) I didn't want to send mixed messages by putting them in a diaper at night.... only issue is they're not quite as absorbant as a diaper. HOpe this helps!
I let her use them while shes sleeping. they stay pretty dry. I like the target brand they are very compareable to pull ups with a lower cost. yes if you want him to get up and use the potty at night too then pull ups at night are fine.
Don't use pull-ups at night. They hold the urine close to the body and will cause a nasty rash if left on for too long.
Waste of time and money. I went from diapers to underwear. Kids don't like to be wet, so if they have an accident, they will learn to stop wettine. I did use diapers at night for a short while.
don't use them while training...they are almost exactly like diapers except the child can pull them on and off. We used them only at night and nap time because they fit better than diapers.

as far as night time goes...if your child is waking up dry consistently you may not need them, just make sure that they don't have a lot of liquids after dinner and that they go to the bathroom immediately before bed. Our oldest didn't ever need pull ups at night our middle daughter used them for a while but is now in just underwear. It totally depends on the child!
I think pull-ups are completely pointless. I've never found that they helped any of my kids with potty training; they're too much like diapers. I used them when putting them to bed and when i took them out in public for about a week, but i felt like it wasn't helping them learn. Feeling that they're wet will get them potty trained faster than some picture of a cartoon fading. Use underwear, it'll make potty training faster and easier.

Best of luck!

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